Sonisphere 2011, Amnéville, France.

Koen, Lars and I visited the first ever Sonisphere festival in France. We left Holland on friday morning and arrived at the entrance of the parking lot after 5.5 hours of roadworks and traffic jams. We parked on a windy and sandy waste land, and had to walk 45 minutes with our tents, sleeping bags and other stuff before we arrived at the entrance to the campsite. The campsite was a parking lot next to the snowhall with lots of stone, gravel and, again, sand. Not ideal for pitching a tent, but we didn’t get to sleep much anyway. The festival site itself is also an old parking lot with two stages opposite one and another.

Friday night was Slipknot night. Nice surprise was Airbourne; an Australian rock band. Main headliners on Saturday were the Big 4; Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica. The 2.5 hours long Metallica show with the usual amount of flames and fireworks was the perfect end to a nice festival.