C/2011L4 (PanSTARRS), 2013-03-30.

Finally the moon was out of the way and the skies were clear. Earlier this week I was fighting the wind, trying to use my telescope (took me 45 minutes to find the comet). Tonight the wind was even stronger so I decided to use the Vixen Polarie Star Tracker.  The Polarie performed flawless despite the strong winds (and temperatures just below freezing). Darker skies made the more easily visible in binoculars. The dust tail starts left of the nucleus and spans an area of over 100 degrees (clockwise).

2013-03-30, 19.37UT, Canon EOS 60D, EF200mm/2.8 @F3.2, ISO1600, 58x8sec.

2013-03-30, 19.37UT, Canon EOS 60D, EF200mm/2.8 @F3.2, ISO1600, 58x8sec.

2013-03-30, 19.37UT, Canon EOS 60D, EF200mm/2.8 @F3.2, ISO1600, 58x8sec.

2013-03-30, 19.37UT, Canon EOS 60D, EF200mm/2.8 @F3.2, ISO1600, 58x8sec.