20151208, comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina)

Accidently woke up early, took a shower and looking at my alarmclock realized it was only 3.30 a.m.  The skies were clear so I decided to head out to my observing site and have a go at comet Catalina. The comet was clearly visible with 8.5×42 binoculairs.

20151208, 0432UT - Comet C/2013US10 (Catalina) Sigma 50mm, F1.8, 25x4s, ISO2000

20151208, 0432UT – Comet C/2013US10 (Catalina), Canon EOS 60D,  Sigma 50mm, F1.8, 25x4s (no guiding) ISO2000.