C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy), 50mm.

Finally clear skies and the moon out the way. Arrived early at public observatory Bussloo and piggy-backed the camera on the AP 1100 GTO mount. With short focal lengths this mount does not need autoguiding. At magnitude 4.7 the comet was still clearly visible to the naked eye. A pair of 8.5×42 binoculars showed a nice gas tail. A lot of visitors, there were some 80 in total,  also got a glimpse of the comet through binoculars.

20150206, 18.06UT, Canon Eos 5Dii, Sigma 50mm/F1.4 ART, @F2.5, 4x120s, ISO1600.

20150206, 18.06UT, Canon Eos 5Dii, Sigma 50mm/F1.4 ART, @F2.5, 4x120s, ISO1600.