C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) and meteor

I had another look at the comet in between two bad weather fronts. Found a more sheltered spot this time to setup the Vixen Polarie with Canon 5Dii and EF 135mm/2L lens. But it was still pretty cold with temperatures around freezing and force 6 winds (windchill -7°C). While observing the comet with binoculars, a very slow, distinctly orange-coloured, magn. +1 meteor appeared. Succeeding images show the persistent train for another 3 minutes.

2015-01-14, 18.53UT, Canon EOS5Dii and EF135mm/2L at F2.5, 20x20sec, ISO1600.

2015-01-14, 18.53UT, Canon EOS5Dii and EF135mm/2L at F2.5, 20x20sec, ISO1600.

7 subsequent images of the persistent train.

Click on image for an animation of the persistent train.