2020-07-11, C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

After days filled with rain, the skies finally cleared. Upon arrival at my observing site a big dark cloud obscured the comet but it’s bright tail gave away the location. What a sight! The night concluded with a nice display of noctilucent clouds.

20200711, 01.13UT, Canon EOS R, Sigma 135mm ART, F2.2, 40×1.6s, ISO1600.
20200711, 01.13UT, Canon EOS R, Sigma 135mm ART, F2.2, 40×1.6s, ISO1600. (Same as above, but processed a bit more to bring out the gastail.)
20200711, 01.34UT, Canon EOS Ra, RF 35mm, f2.8, 6s, ISO400
20200711, 01.46UT, Canon 6Dii, William Optics Goldcat 250mm, f4.9, 6x6s, ISO400.
20200711, 0205UT, Canon 6Dii, Sigma 135mm, f2.8, 2s, ISO400.