2019-07-21, bright NLC’s.

Extremely bright and extensive NLC display. At the start, NLC’s were visible in the south at 45 degrees.

20190621, 21.41UT, Canon 6Dii, 8mm, F4, 2s, ISO100.
20190621, 21.37UT, Canon 6Dii, 20mm, F4.5, 2s, ISO100.
20190621, 21.50UT, Canon 6Dii, 135mm, F4.5, 2s, ISO100.
20190621, 21.53 UT, Canon 6Dii, Sigma 135mm ART, F4.5, 2s, ISO100.
Timelapse 21.41 and 22.14 UT consisting of 281 exposures with a Canon 6Dii and Sigma 135mm F4 ART lens, 2sec. at ISO100.
Timelapse 21.12-22.21 UT. Canon 6D, Sigma 50mm ART, F4, ISO100, 672x1s.

2019-06-12, NLC’s.

Shortly after sunset bright noctilucent clouds became visible. Quickly grabbed my photogear and headed out to a spot north of the city overlooking the lake Markermeer.

20190612, 00.07UT, Canon 6D, Sigma 50mm ART, F2.8, 2s, ISO400.
20190612, 21.58UT, Canon 6Dii, Sigma 135mm ART, F3.5, 1s, ISO400.

Timelapse rendered using 285 1 exposures (1s each) with a Canon 6Dii and Sigma 135mm ART, F3.5, ISO400.