M31, Andromeda nebula

Finally started processing some of the photos shot during my last summer holiday (2013) at the Tivoli Southern Sky guest farm. Just for fun I made a quick stack of M31. Although M31 was only at 15 degrees altitude, this stack of 5 x 3 min. at ISO1250 shows some real potential.


Canon EOS 5Dii, FSQ106 (f=530mm), 5x3m, ISO1250, Fornax 51 mount.
Stacking and digital development was done in ImagesPlus,
gradient removal with Fitswork4 and finishing touches with PaintShopPro.


Tivoli, Namibia, 2013, first week.

Finally time to upload some quickly stacked and processed images. Will add more information and details later. Equipment used: Takahashi FSQ-106 ED on Fornax 51 mount, Canon EOS 5DII, Canon EOS 60D, Canon EF 8-15mm/F4L, Canon EF 135mm/2L, Canon EF 35mm/1.4L.

20130629, M7.

20130629, M7.


20130630, M8 & M20.

20130630, M8 & M20.


20130701, Dark doodad & NGC4372.

20130701, Dark doodad & NGC4372.


20130701, Helix.

20130701, Helix.


20130702, Allsky & Astrotel

20130702, Allsky & Astrotel


20130704, IC4592.

20130704, IC4592.

20130705, M83.

20130705, M83.


20130705, NGC6188.

20130705, NGC6188.

20130705, Running chicken.

20130705, Running chicken.

20130707, dawn over Fornax observatory.

20130707, dawn over Fornax observatory.